Portales New Mexico Car Insurance Savings the Companies Don’t Want You to Know About

I can’t think of anyone who looks forward to buying car insurance, in particular when their premiums are through the roof.

Having so many companies to choose from, it’s nearly impossible to pick the most cost effective company.

Finding affordable coverage in Portales is quite easy. If you currently have car insurance, you should be able to cut costs considerably using this information. But New Mexico car owners must comprehend how big insurance companies sell insurance online because it can help you find the best coverage.

Compare Portales Car Insurance Costs

All the larger car insurance companies give prices on their websites. The process is fairly simple as you just enter your coverage preferences as requested by the quote form. When complete, their rating system will order your driving and credit reports and returns a price based on these factors. This simplifies rate comparisons, but the process of having to visit multiple sites and fill out multiple forms is not the best way to spend an afternoon. Unfortunately, it is important to get many rate quotes in order to get lower prices.

A more efficient way to get multiple rate quotes is to use a quote form that gets price quotes from more than one company. This type of form saves time, requires much less work on your part, and makes online price comparison much more enjoyable. After sending the form, it is rated and you can select any or none of the price quotes you receive. If a lower price is quoted, you simply finish the application and buy the new coverage. The entire process just takes a couple of minutes and you will find out if you’re overpaying now.

To find out if lower rates are available, click here to open in a new tab and begin entering your coverage information. If you have coverage now, it’s recommended you type in coverages and limits as close as possible to your current policy. Using the same limits helps guarantee you’re receiving a fair comparison using the same coverage and limits.

How much can you save with discounts?

Companies don’t always advertise every available discount in an easy-to-find place, so here is a list both well-publicized and the harder-to-find discounts you could be receiving.<img class="alignright" style="padding-top:15px;" src="https://www.findnewcarinsurance.com/wp-content/uploads/ci175-97.jpg" alt="New Mexico car insurance“/>

  • Organization Discounts – Belonging to a civic or occupational organization is a good way to get lower rates on your policy.
  • Anti-theft System – Vehicles equipped with anti-theft or alarm systems are stolen less frequently and will save you 10% or more.
  • No Accidents – Drivers with accident-free driving histories pay much less when compared with accident-prone drivers.
  • Pay Now and Pay Less – If you pay your entire premium ahead of time instead of making monthly payments you can actually save on your bill.
  • Homeowners Discount – Owning a home in Portales may trigger a car insurance policy discount because owning a home is proof that your finances are in order.
  • Good Student Discount – A discount for being a good student can earn a discount of 20% or more. The good student discount can last up until you turn 25.
  • Early Signing – Select companies give a discount for switching policies prior to your current policy expiring. This can save 10% or more.
  • Passive Restraint Discount – Vehicles equipped with air bags or automatic seat belts can qualify for discounts of up to 25% or more.

As a disclaimer on discounts, some of the credits will not apply to your bottom line cost. Some only apply to the cost of specific coverages such as comprehensive or collision. So when it seems like adding up those discounts means a free policy, companies don’t profit that way.

To choose insurers offering car insurance discounts in New Mexico, follow this link.

Smart Consumers Save More

Smart consumers have a good feel for the factors that go into determining the price you pay for car insurance. Knowing what controls the rates you pay enables informed choices that can help you get big savings.

Listed below are a partial list of the pieces car insurance companies consider when setting your rates.

  • Low deductibles can be expensive – Physical damage insurance, also known as collision and other-than-collision, protects your car from damage. Some instances where coverage would apply are collision with another vehicle, collision with an animal, and rolling your vehicle. The deductibles are the amount of money you are willing to pay out-of-pocket before a claim is paid by your company. The more money you are required to pay out-of-pocket, the lower your rates will be.
  • Don’t let your coverage lapse – Driving your car without having proper coverage can get your license suspended and as a result your rates will increase for letting your insurance lapse. Not only will rates go up, but being ticketed for driving with no insurance may earn you a license revocation or jail time.
  • Rural vs Urban Areas – Residing in a small town is a positive aspect when it comes to car insurance. Fewer drivers means fewer accidents. City drivers have to deal with more traffic problems and longer commute times. More time on the road means more change of being in an accident.
  • Bad driving skills means higher rates – Drivers who don’t get tickets get better rates compared to drivers with tickets. Even a single speeding ticket can bump up the cost twenty percent or more. Drivers with flagrant tickets like DUI or reckless driving are required to submit a SR-22 form with their state motor vehicle department in order to keep their license.
  • High crash test scores lower rates – Safer cars can get you lower premiums. Safer cars reduce injuries and lower injury rates means less money paid by your insurance company passed on to you as lower rates.
  • Frequent car insurance claims increase rates – If you are a frequent claim filer, you can definitely plan on either policy cancellation or increased premiums. Insurance companies in New Mexico award lower rates to drivers who do not file claims often. Your insurance policy is intended for major claims that would cause financial hardship.

How can State Farm and Allstate save drivers who switch?

State Farm and Allstate consistently run television and radio advertisements. All the companies make the same claim that you’ll save big if you change your policy. How can each company claim to save you money?

All the different companies can use profiling for the driver that is profitable for them. A good example of a desirable insured could be a mature driver, a clean driving record, and chooses high deductibles. A propective insured who matches those parameters gets the lowest rates and therefore will cut their rates substantially.

Consumers who don’t measure up to these standards will be charged a more expensive rate and this can result in the driver buying from a lower-cost company. The ads say “customers who switch” but not “drivers who get quotes” save that much. That is how companies can advertise the savings. That is why it’s extremely important to quote coverage with many companies. Because you never know which insurance companies will have the lowest rates.

free Portales New Mexico insurance quote

One last thing about your coverage

We just covered many ideas to lower your car insurance rates. The key thing to remember is the more quotes you get, the better your comparison will be. Consumers may even find the lowest priced car insurance comes from a small local company. Regional companies may cover specific market segments cheaper than their larger competitors like Allstate or State Farm.

As you go through the steps to switch your coverage, it’s a bad idea to buy less coverage just to save a little money. In many instances, someone dropped liability limits or collision coverage and discovered at claim time that the small savings ended up costing them much more. Your strategy should be to purchase a proper amount of coverage at a price you can afford while still protecting your assets.

Additional resources for New Mexico consumers

Additional detailed information is available at the New Mexico Insurance Division website. New Mexico consumers can find a variety of consumer forms, read industry bulletins, and download brochures.

Also read more on Auto Insurance 101 and this page of insurance agents in Portales.