Easy Five Minute Guide to Shopping For Ford F150 Pickup Insurance

Locating better insurance prices for a Ford F150 Pickup could be difficult, but you can learn the following methods to save time. There are both good and bad ways to shop for car insurance so you’re going to learn the best way to get price quotes on a Ford and get the cheapest rates either online or from local insurance agents.

If you currently have a car insurance policy, you will most likely be able to save some money using these techniques. Shopping for cheaper protection can be fairly easy. But vehicle owners must learn how big insurance companies sell online and apply this information to your search.

How to Get Car Insurance Comparison Quotes

When shopping for car insurance there are multiple ways to compare rate quotes from car insurance companies in your area. One of the best ways to find the cheapest Ford F150 Pickup insurance rates is to use the internet to compare rates. It is quite easy and can be accomplished in several different ways.

  1. Probably the best way consumers can analyze rates is to use a rate comparison form like this one (opens in new window). This type of form saves time by eliminating multiple quote forms for every car insurance company. One form submission will return quotes from multiple companies. It’s definitely the quickest method.
  2. A more time consuming way to compare rate quotes is spending the time to visit each individual company website to complete a price quote. For examples sake, we’ll pretend you want rates from Farmers, GEICO and Allstate. To get rate quotes you would need to take the time to go to each site and enter your policy data, which is why most consumers use the first method.

    For a handy list of car insurance company links in your area, click here.

  3. The most time-consuming method to compare rates to different agent offices. Shopping for car insurance online has reduced the need for local agents unless you have a need for the trained guidance of a local agent. However, consumers can compare online quotes and still use a local agent and we’ll touch on that later.

Which method you use is up to you, but ensure you’re using the exact same coverages and limits with every price quote. If you enter different deductibles you can’t possibly make an equal comparison. Having just a slight variation in insurance coverages may result in large price differences. It’s important to know that having more price comparisons helps you find a better price.

Car insurance is unique, just like you

When it comes to buying the best car insurance coverage for your personal vehicles, there really is no best way to insure your cars. Every insured’s situation is different.

For example, these questions can help discover if your situation could use an agent’s help.Car insurance in

  • What is high-risk coverage and where do I buy it?
  • Can I afford to buy a different vehicle if my Ford F150 Pickup is totaled?
  • Do I qualify for additional discounts?
  • Who is covered by my policy?
  • Should I buy additional glass protection?
  • When should I not file a claim?
  • What vehicles should carry emergency assistance coverage?
  • Is my business laptop covered if it gets stolen from my vehicle?
  • Are there companies who specialize in insuring high-risk drivers?
  • Is my teen driver covered when they drive my company car?

If you’re not sure about those questions but a few of them apply, you may need to chat with a licensed agent. If you don’t have a local agent, take a second and complete this form.

Compare online but buy from a local agent

Certain consumers would rather buy from a local agent and that is just fine! The best thing about comparing insurance prices online is the fact that you can find better rates but still work with a licensed agent.

Once you complete this short form, your insurance coverage information is instantly submitted to participating agents who will give you bids for your insurance coverage. There is no reason to drive around since price quotes are sent straight to your inbox. It doesn’t get any easier! You can find the lowest rates without the usual hassles of price shopping.

Selecting a company needs to be determined by more than just a cheap price. Ask your prospective agent these questions:

  • What insurance companies do they work with?
  • Are you getting all the discounts the company offers?
  • If you have an accident, will your rates go up?
  • Are they properly licensed to sell insurance in your state?
  • Is vehicle mileage a factor when determining depreciation for repairs?
  • Do they have adequate Errors and Ommissions coverage? This protects you if they make a mistake.
  • Do they have any clout with companies to ensure a fair claim settlement?
  • How are they compensated?

Do you need an independent or captive auto insurance agent?

When finding a local agent, there are two types of insurance agents that differ in how they can insure your vehicles. Agencies are either independent or captive.

Agency Captives

Captive agencies work for only one company such as American Family, Liberty Mutual and AAA. They are unable to provide prices from multiple companies so always compare other rates. Captives are well schooled on their products and sales techniques which helps them sell insurance even at higher premiums. Consumers sometimes buy insurance from these agents primarily because of loyalty to the company and the convenience of having all coverages with one company.

Independent Agents

Independent agencies are not required to write business for one company but instead can place your coverage with many different companies and possibly get better coverage at lower prices. To transfer your coverage to a different company, they simply move the coverage in-house and you don’t have to find a new agent.

quote F150 Pickup insurance

When comparing rates, we recommend you include multiple independent agents for the best price selection. Most have the option of insuring with lesser-known insurance companies which can be an advantage.

For a complete listing of agents, visit this site.

Once you have acceptable answers to these questions and a low price estimate, chances are good that you have found an auto insurance agent that meets your needs to properly service your car insurance policy.