Car Insurance in Flagstaff – 5 Discounts Drivers are Losing Out On

Shopping for the lowest cost Flagstaff car insurance on the web can seem to be somewhat difficult for consumers not familiar with comparing rates online. Since there are so many companies in the marketplace, how can you effectively compare every company to locate the lowest rates?

This information will help educate you on how car insurance quotes work and some money-saving tips. If you currently have a car insurance policy, you should be able to cut costs considerably using this information. Arizona drivers just need to learn the proper methods to get comparison rates over the internet.

How to Buy Flagstaff Car Insurance Online

Most major insurance companies such as Progressive, GEICO, Allstate and State Farm quote pricing on the web. Obtaining pricing is pretty easy as you simply type in your personal and coverage information into the quote form. Once you submit the form, the company’s rating system obtains reports for credit and driving violations and returns pricing information.

This helps simplify price comparisons, but the time it takes to visit several different sites and enter the same data into a form gets old quite quickly. But it is imperative to get many rate quotes if you are searching for a better rate.

A less time-consuming method to find better car insurance pricing uses one simple form that obtains quotes from multiple companies. The form is fast, requires much less work on your part, and makes online quotes much more enjoyable. As soon as you send your information, your coverage is rated with multiple companies and you can pick your choice of the returned quotes.

If one or more price quotes are lower than your current rates, it’s easy to complete the application and buy the new coverage. The entire process takes just a few minutes to complete and may result in a nice savings.

If you want to find out if lower rates are available, simply click here to open in new window and begin entering your coverage information. If you have your current policy handy, we recommend you complete the form with the coverage information exactly as shown on your declarations page. This ensures you will have a rate comparison based on similar coverages.

Cut your car insurance rates with these 5 discounts

Insurance can be prohibitively expensive, but there could be available discounts to reduce the price significantly. Most are applied when you get a quote, but some must be requested specifically before you will receive the discount. If you’re not getting every credit you qualify for, you’re just leaving money on the table.

  • Resident Student – Children living away from home attending college and do not have a car may be able to be covered for less.
  • Lower Rates for Military – Being deployed with a military unit can result in better rates.
  • Anti-lock Brakes – Vehicles with anti-lock braking systems can avoid accidents and will save you 10% or more.
  • Club Memberships – Being a member of a qualifying organization may earn a discount when shopping for car insurance.
  • One Accident Forgiven – A handful of insurance companies will allow you to have one accident before raising your premiums if you are claim-free for a set time period.

As a disclaimer on discounts, most discount credits are not given to all coverage premiums. Most only apply to individual premiums such as physical damage coverage or medical payments. So even though it sounds like you would end up receiving a 100% discount, it just doesn’t work that way. But any discount will reduce the cost of coverage.

To see a list of companies with discount car insurance rates in Flagstaff, click here.

You are unique and your car insurance should be too

When it comes to buying the right insurance coverage, there isn’t really a “best” method to buy coverage. Each situation is unique.

Here are some questions about coverages that can help discover whether or not you might need an agent’s Flagstaff AZ insurance quote

  • Am I covered if I wreck a rental car?
  • What is the minimum liability in Arizona?
  • Can I afford to buy a different vehicle if my vehicle is totaled?
  • Is business equipment covered while in my vehicle?
  • Do I get a pro-rated refund if I cancel my policy early?
  • Should I have combined single limit or split liability limits?
  • Am I covered when driving someone else’s vehicle?
  • Am I covered when using my vehicle for business?
  • Do I need to file an SR-22 for a DUI in Arizona?
  • Can I afford to pay high deductible claims out of pocket?

If you don’t know the answers to these questions then you might want to talk to a licensed insurance agent. To find lower rates from a local agent, fill out this quick form. It’s fast, free and can provide invaluable advice.

Car insurance coverage breakdown

Learning about specific coverages of your car insurance policy can help you determine the best coverages at the best deductibles and correct limits. The terms used in a policy can be difficult to understand and nobody wants to actually read their policy.

Comprehensive coverage

This pays to fix your vehicle from damage OTHER than collision with another vehicle or object. You need to pay your deductible first then the remaining damage will be covered by your comprehensive coverage.

Comprehensive can pay for things like a broken windshield, fire damage and falling objects. The most your car insurance company will pay is the market value of your vehicle, so if it’s not worth much more than your deductible it’s probably time to drop comprehensive insurance.

Coverage for collisions

Collision coverage pays to fix your vehicle from damage from colliding with a stationary object or other vehicle. A deductible applies and the rest of the damage will be paid by collision coverage.

Collision coverage protects against claims like hitting a mailbox, driving through your garage door and sideswiping another vehicle. Paying for collision coverage can be pricey, so consider removing coverage from older vehicles. Drivers also have the option to increase the deductible to save money on collision insurance.

Medical payments coverage and PIP

Coverage for medical payments and/or PIP kick in for expenses like pain medications, EMT expenses, nursing services and dental work. They can be used in conjunction with a health insurance plan or if you are not covered by health insurance. They cover all vehicle occupants and will also cover getting struck while a pedestrian. PIP coverage is not an option in every state and may carry a deductible

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist coverage

Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist coverage protects you and your vehicle’s occupants when the “other guys” do not carry enough liability coverage. This coverage pays for injuries sustained by your vehicle’s occupants as well as damage to your vehicle.

Since many Arizona drivers only carry the minimum required liability limits (which is 15/30/10), it only takes a small accident to exceed their coverage. For this reason, having high UM/UIM coverages is important protection for you and your family. Usually the UM/UIM limits are set the same as your liablity limits.

Liability coverages

This coverage protects you from injuries or damage you cause to people or other property that is your fault. This insurance protects YOU against other people’s claims, and doesn’t cover damage sustained by your vehicle in an accident.

Coverage consists of three different limits, per person bodily injury, per accident bodily injury, and a property damage limit. Your policy might show values of 50/100/50 which stand for $50,000 in coverage for each person’s injuries, $100,000 for the entire accident, and $50,000 of coverage for damaged propery. Another option is one limit called combined single limit (CSL) which combines the three limits into one amount and claims can be made without the split limit restrictions.

Flagstaff insurance ad

Liability insurance covers claims such as structural damage, bail bonds and emergency aid. How much coverage you buy is up to you, but you should buy as high a limit as you can afford. Arizona state law requires minimum liability limits of 15,000/30,000/10,000 but it’s recommended drivers buy more coverage.

More effort can pay off

You just learned some good ideas how to shop for car insurance online. It’s most important to understand that the more times you quote, the better your chances of lowering your rates. You may even discover the lowest priced car insurance comes from a company that doesn’t do a lot of advertising.

Cheaper car insurance is definitely available online and also from your neighborhood Flagstaff agents, so you should be comparing quotes from both to have the best selection. Some insurance companies may not provide the ability to get a quote online and usually these small insurance companies provide coverage only through local independent agents.

Insureds who switch companies do it for a variety of reasons including unfair underwriting practices, high rates after DUI convictions, poor customer service or an unsatisfactory settlement offer. Whatever your reason, finding a great new company can be easier than you think.

More information can be read on the Arizona Department of Insurance website located here. Arizona drivers can find a variety of consumer forms, read industry bulletins, download brochures, and get help finding coverage.

Also read more on this resource for Arizona car insurance prices and this page on