Better Tricks to Paying Less to Insure a Honda Fit

Expensive car insurance can overdraw your personal savings and force you to make sacrifices. Comparing price quotes is a smart way to cut your insurance bill.

Companies like State Farm, Progressive and GEICO all claim big savings, bombarding you with fancy advertisements and it is challenging if not impossible to see through the deception and take the time to shop coverage around.

If you currently have car insurance, you will be able to reduce your rates substantially using this strategy. Finding the best rates is not that difficult. Nevertheless, drivers do need to know the way insurance companies compete online.

Discounts are available to cut your rates

Companies don’t list every discount very clearly, so here is a list both well-publicized and the more hidden savings tricks you should be using.

  • Own a Home – Owning a home can help you save on car insurance because of the fact that having a home requires personal responsibility.
  • Accident Free – Drivers who don’t have accidents can earn big discounts as compared to accident-prone drivers.
  • Theft Prevention System – Vehicles equipped with anti-theft or alarm systems can help prevent theft and qualify for as much as a 10% discount.
  • Service Members Pay Less – Being deployed with a military unit can result in better rates.
  • Defensive Driver – Taking part in a driver safety course could cut 5% off your bill if your company offers it.

Consumers should know that most of the big mark downs will not be given to your bottom line cost. A few only apply to the cost of specific coverages such as liability and collision coverage. So when it seems like you would end up receiving a 100% discount, companies wouldn’t make money that way.

For a list of insurance companies with the best car insurance discounts, click here to view.

Everyone needs different coverages

When it comes to buying the right insurance coverage for your personal vehicles, there isn’t really a one size fits all plan. Your needs are not the same as everyone else’s so your insurance should reflect that For example, these questions can help discover if you could use an agent’s help.

  • Do I qualify for additional discounts?
  • Am I covered if I drive in a foreign country?
  • Am I covered by my employer’s commercial auto policy when driving my personal car for business?
  • Are my friends covered when driving my Honda Fit?
  • Which companies will insure high-risk drivers?
  • Do I have coverage when using my vehicle for my home business?
  • Can I still get insurance after a DUI?
  • Should I rate my Honda Fit as pleasure use or commute?
  • How much liability do I need to cover my assets?

If it’s difficult to answer those questions but one or more may apply to you, then you may want to think about talking to a licensed insurance agent. If you don’t have a local agent, fill out this quick form or you can go here for a list of companies in your area.

insurance for Honda Fit

One last thing about your coverage

Cheaper Honda Fit insurance can be found online and with local insurance agents, so you should be comparing quotes from both so you have a total pricing picture. Some companies do not offer you the ability to get quotes online and these small, regional companies work with independent agents.

When shopping online for car insurance, do not buy less coverage just to save a little money. In too many instances, an accident victim reduced physical damage coverage to discover at claim time that it was a big mistake. Your strategy should be to buy enough coverage for the lowest price while not skimping on critical coverages.